Monday, October 18, 2004

A bit of a rant

Today the annoying girl in my math class clapped because we were learning base 2 notation. She actually applauded. What the heck? I love my classes but I don't clap when I hear the word "semantics." It's just odd. There's a girl in my house who apparently lies on the floor for all her classes, and once Peter Gregory tripped over her. What is wrong with these people? This is not how we behave in a classroom for goodness' sake!

Here are some options:
Design I
Reading Chinese Texts
Reading Chinese Texts
Computational Linguistics
Symbolic Logic
Computer Science I
Mathematical Structures
Number Theory

Meaning & Truth
Sculpture I
Drawing II
Technology of Reading & Writing
Philosophical Novels
Freud & Sherlock Holmes
Imagining Language
Child Development
Multicultural Education

Intro to Chinese Linguistics (Umass)
Intro to Semantics (Umass)
Modal Logic (Umass)
Philosophy of Language (Umass)
Philosophy and Logic (Umass)
Endangered Language (Hampshire)
Philosophy of Mind (Hampshire)
Puzzles and Paradoxes (Hampshire)

I thought I was all set until I took a look at the 5 College course listings. Now I'm back to square one. For all the snarky comments people make about UMass, they have some really neat courses. It breaks my heart that I can take, at the absolute most, twenty of them and more likely between 16 and 18- I don't especially want to take five classes every semester- that would be a bit insane, and considering the list of UMass and Hampshire classes, I'd be spending a lot of time on the bus. I may have to get a car.


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