Friday, May 20, 2005

The sugar issue

So I've decided to stop eating so much sugar. At Smith a common complaint is that the meals are lousy and the desserts are fabulous, and it's certainly true that they tend to sugar us up, particularly around exams. When I'm in Buffalo, we rarely have desserts, but there are always cookies and things lying around and so whenever I'm home I just hoover them up, because I am a grazer and because I am always hungry. This summer, however, I am on my own. Now, I'm not going to buy cookies or anything because it's a needless expense and I am a cheapskate, and I'm not really inclined to sit down and bake a cake of an evening, so I figured my sugar intake would be dramatically reduced this summer. And perhaps it has gone down somewhat, but it's not as low as I expected. On the first day of work, Jim brought in a tin of raspberry bars. They were small, about 1" x 2" x .75", but I probably ate one or two of them a day for as long as they lasted. ("You should eat these," said Jim. "Even if they're not very good- because they'll be even less good tomorrow.") On Tuesday Kep came over and offered to make custard, and I love custard, so she made me some. Yesterday someone made Rice Crispy Treats to share, so I had one of those, and then another half of one after lunch today. Also today Susie, one of my fellow summer Hopkids, offered me a slice of leftover birthday cake, so I had a tiny piece, and then a couple of hours later Lauren offered me a cookie, so I had a cookie. I've actually had a ton of sugar today.

Also today I made tomato sauce, which was good, for dinner and for lunch I had the last of my red beans and rice, spinach, and a piece of bread and cheese. For breakfast I had bran flakes and a banana. Most days when I'm hankering something sweet, usually after dinner, I have a slice of bread and jam, which seems to get the job done, and I like to think it's healthier than other things. Tomorrow I'm planning to make bread. Now I'm going to work on my quilt, and it will all be very Laura Ingalls Wilder.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bread and Jam For Emily.

11:31 PM  

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