Sunday, July 10, 2005

The Hive

Jim Henle has offered me the staggering opportunity to try my hand at drawing a cover for the book, as well as some comic strips to sprinkle throughout in places where there's extra white space. I have been working on these things most of the day today, listening to This American Life. I listened to six episodes today: Notes from Camp, Music Lessons, Babysitting, Act V of Hamlet performed by prisoners in a maximum security prison, and more.

This American Life is just one of several bees in my bonnet this summer, a glorious summer in which I spend all my time flitting from one obsession to the next. This summer has been devoted to logic, of course, but also cooking, P.G. Wodehouse, Sherlock Holmes, This American Life, Laura Cantrell (I listen to her new album about three times a day on average), and drawing, among other things. It's pleasurable but also tiring- at all times I am focussed like a laser on some pursuit, and I have trouble quieting my brain enough to let me sleep.


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