Yesterday the other apprentices and Jim and I invented a card game, Dedeuce. It's sort of like Clue meets Go Fish: each player gets four cards (only using hearts and spades) and the other players have to guess what they are. You win when you guess somebody's hand. The catch is that you can only ask questions that are logical formulas. For example, "9 arrows Jack," "Queen or King," etc. It is intense, heavy on the bookkeeping, and fun.
This is the third game we've made this summer, along with Sweet Reason Rummy and Predabble (a logical version of Scrabble). The first twelve chapters are in Australia even as we speak, where they will have their pilot run at the end of this month. Just three more days to go...
Does that mean you're coming for the book launch?
Hardly. Maybe someday, though :)
So when do we get to see the cover?
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