Wednesday, October 05, 2005

I've sold my soul to Phoneathon

I got a terrifying email today.
It contains the "tentative schedule" for Phoneathon, which is a part-time job calling alumni and asking for money. I signed up, on a lark, because I am Silas Marner. Now I'm kind of horrified.
I'm scheduled to work for 50 hours in three weeks. That's 16.666666666 hours a week. That's more than twice the hours of my actual job (7 hours a week).
Of course, I'd be a lot more appalled if that didn't come out to be $356.50, which will certainly be nice to have, but still.

I'll have to think of something really extravagent to buy with a portion of the money. Like, I don't know, 50 HOURS OF MY LIFE BACK.

In other news, I taught my first class today: a section of Logic 100 with about twenty students. We went over local & global properties of wffs, buffalo buffalo buffalo, shortcut, and rebuttals. I think it went okay although I was trembling like a leaf the whole time and Jay sat in the front row giving me looks. The looks said: "Don't explain it that way." "What are you talking about?" "Ask if they're clear." Afterwards, he told me (using words now): "You did a good job. You're going to make a good logic teacher some day. Actually, you're a really good logic teacher now. But you'll be even better someday."
Which is the nicest complement I've had all day.


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