Friday, October 14, 2005

My Life According to Jay

Interesting chat with Jay today. Jay has a very specific vision for my future. I am going to go to the Peace Corps (this was virtually my only contribution but he's okay with it) and then graduate school. There are 9 schools he wants me to consider:
  1. NYU
  2. University of Pittsburgh
  3. Indiana University
  4. MIT
  5. Berkeley
  6. Stanford
  7. Melbourne
  8. Australian National University
  9. University of Queensland
Note how the last three are in Australia. Jay loooves Australia. These 9 are, evidently, the best 9 schools for Logic in the whole, wide world, and if I don't get into one of them Jay doesn't want me to go to graduate school AT ALL. That's right, it's these or nothing. Applying anywhere else would basically just be a waste of everyone's time. My time for applying, his time for writing me a recommendation, everybody's time. So there's that.

Somewhat more cheerfully, Jay wants me to take something completely random and fun for my fourth class next fall. This is of course in addition to my thesis, German, and Chinese linguistics, but still. I don't know what I'm going to take, but I feel rather as though I've just been given a present.

I feel like I'm coming unglued, but it's okay, really. Things will be okay.


Blogger Andrea said...

What fun! You should take sculpture or welding! Do they offer welding?

4:34 AM  
Blogger Greg said...

I'm with Jay.

8:45 PM  

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