Thank you!
Here are some thank yous:
- Thank you, dining services, for having omelettes at breakfast this morning.
- Thank you, Associated Colleges in China, for handling all the visa stuff for me. Because I don't even know what a visa is, to be honest.
- Thank you, Chris H*rdin, for bringing your CD player and your speakers and your many, many wires, alligator clips, and mysterious circuitry items to class today to show us what happens when you take the derivative and the integral of John Coltrane.
- Thank you, LunaFest film festival, for the free Luna Bars you're giving away in the campus center.
- Thank you, Kendra, for reading Wittgenstein to me in German.
- Thank you, girl working at the circulation desk of the Mt Holyoke library, for helping me figure out your architecturally complicated building with its many many floors.
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