Monday, November 14, 2005

By post

One decided advantage to having Thanksgiving in New York this year is that, since I won't see most of my relatives until Christmas, they seem to have all sent me parcels in the mail. That, at least, is what I assume to be the explanation for the five package slips in my mailbox this afternoon. Two of them were marked as envelopes, and I was expecting a rather important envelope from my mother, so I turned those two in. Sure enough, one of them was the China info from my mum (including an exceptionally long letter, which was nice, as she normally confines herself to a sentence or two). The other was a big yellow envelope from my Aunt Carol and Uncle Bruce, which I have not opened because I am so very full of self restraint. *cough* Incidentally tonight at dinner Kendra was telling one of her long Kendra stories about her incredible hulklike rage and I was smiling and nodding and sipping my tea when out of nowhere I choked and spit a big mouthful of tea back into the mug- so unladylike. I think I may have to get myself a Sippy Cup, in accordance with a slight trend I've noticed among my housemates.

I also got a card from my Aunt Grace, which I also did not open, and the these communications are now between my records and my comic books (oh I am so cool) waiting for Friday. I think I'll pick up one package a day until then, because I've never had so many packages before and I am not likely to again- I ought to spread it out.


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2:23 AM  

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