Friday, April 22, 2005

24-Hour Comics Eve

Tomorrow is 24-Hour Comics Day, which is very exciting. I'm nervous- will I be able to make it the full 24 this year? I just reread last year's effort, and I'm struck by how poorly drawn it is. (Of course, it was a year ago, so hopefully I'm capable of doing better now.) I'm going to be continuing the same storyline, in the hopes of maybe completing a trilogy at some point. This year it's going to be largely other worlds and so on, with a special appearance by Wittgenstein's duck rabbit (although not Ludwig himself). Zombieology, maybe. Transworld Heirlines.
I'll be doing it with Kate, which makes me happy- I've talked to her more in the last two weeks then in the rest of this year put together. She and I lingered over dinner and brainstormed ideas for her, one of which she might end up using. The Habitat Sleep-Out, sadly, was cancelled, but I must say I'm secretly a tiny bit relieved. This means I'll get to sleep in a bed, for a proper length of time, before tomorrow's marathon of creativity.
I need to assemble my materials: pencils, pens, ink, brushes, paper. I need to remember to bring the notebooks containing cryptic ideas:
"B. Russell tries to pick up J. in a bar"
"someone sitting around checking 2+2 over & over just to make sure"
"Theta hanging around w/out anybody having it" [what could I have meant by that?]
"the duck rabbit is my friend."

Eeeeeeeeeee I'm so excited. Wish me luck!


Blogger Andrea said...

With a muse like duck rabbit, I don't think you need such a thing as luck but I wish it for you anyway! P.S. Get over the bathroom thing or you will be needing more than luck.

1:06 PM  

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